Etiquette Tips on Interviews

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_single_image image="2726" img_link_target="_self" img_size="1100x512"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type="row" type="grid" text_align="left" padding_top="20" padding_bottom="30"][vc_column width="1/1"][ordered_list]As a human resources professional, I receive many questions regarding how to get hired. I have included some helpful hints that can entice future employers to consider your candidacy based on etiquette.

  1. Bring a notebook and ask if you can take notes.Although this may not exactly fall under etiquette, interviewers appreciate those who are interested enough in an interview that the candidate would request to take notes. Asking politely can influence the interviewer to believe that you are considerate and studious.
  2. When in doubt, play Simon SaysWhen entering an office do not assume to take a seat. Wait for permission or ask. By asking permission to take a seat, following protocol may be an attribute that the interviewer will acknowledge and be receptive to. The same rules should apply if there is a water cooler nearby. It is always polite to ask first before assuming.
  3. Never interrupt the interviewer.Interviews are an outlet for nervous habits to appear. It is imperative to never interrupt an interviewer or try and finish their sentence or question. Be patient and acknowledge without saying words until it is time for you to speak. Interrupting an interviewer is a surefire way to be disqualified.
  4. Transfer with two hands.Accepting a business card with two hands or a paper is a great way to be noticed. The act of accepting or passing documents with both hands also displays that the candidate is well in tune with hospitality etiquette.
  5. Please be sure to write a hand written thank you card.Hand written thank you cards have been discussed ad nauseam. The reality is that out of the thousands of interviews that I have conducted, I received very few. This is a tradition that should be followed to a tee. I recommend sending it out the day of the interview.
